There are also some mapping features for add-on developpers and some planned to be added later. Further reduced execution costs on frequently called functions. Toggled off MiniMap will show back after some short duration if you have in-combat Autohide enabled. Menu functions: Lock Position and Size, Reload MiniMap, Addon Settings. Tweaked map transition updates to run smoother. Locales - Area of Interest, visit every locale on map for achievement. Added new MiniMap feature in combat autohide there are two settings for it one to enable it another is a delay in seconds after combat to autoshow. Changed map tile texture size calculation function to use stored size data if API returns wrong dimensions. Added additional checks for places without map texture coverage. aggiornamento: 23 ottobre 2018. pickup/use. Any idea how to fix it? Last updated 20 April 2019 12:52PM. Lag should no longer bother you unless you decide to restart the client. The Elder Scrolls Online. This should fix some interferences with other ingame controls. Fixed performance issues after switching Cyrodiil campaigns. Anything else I can try? Now you can see undiscovered POIs and wayshrines on MiniMap and set unknown POI pin color. Enchanting provides Glyphs in Elder Scrolls Online. You should see very insignifficant FPS drops while using MiniMap add-on now. There is noticable performance increase while transiting maps with many custom pins. There were unintentionally more than one wayshrine border pin instead of one closest appearing. Reworked custom pin placement again. ... Treasure Maps in ESO are obtained via random drops and reveal the location of special loot and stashes in all areas of the game. The official developer of Elder scrolls online yet to added any mods or addons but from the various unofficial open community developed the addons for ESO. Updated map transition procedures so they do slightly less work behind the scenes. MiniMap will hide when Crown Store is shown. Slow PC users may notice some performance increase. Added background texture for wheel mode for better looks with alpha set (I don't reccomend using alpha in wheel mode though). Added Custom Pin Refresh delay of double pin refresh rate after changing maps. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Fixed some issues with quest area pin updates in wheel mode. To obtain the secret loot, you must: Have the map in your inventory; Find the specific location of the stash; Consume the map to "dig" the treasure. Added Mixed player pin heading option. And clearing outside Cyrodiil. Optimized map content updates on MiniMap. If you manually hide MiniMap it will no longer becomes visible after combat if you have this option enabled. Improved quest pin updates. Added additional checks for places without map textures so you don't get spammed by error messages. Fixed ocasional pin size distorsion issues. Fixed rare issue of MiniMap stopping updates. Optimized MiniMap updates. NEW MAP SITINJAU LAUIK V3 ETS2 1.36 TO 1.40 . Survey Maps or Survey Reports in Elder Scroll Online are covered on this page. Fixed keep under attack state pin display. This is a performance safeguard feature. They are sharing a setting with Treasures. Start Project All Addons Miscellaneous Class Specific ... Shows Mundus Stones on the map Download. UESP:Morrowind Map. Is there a way to make it so that when zoom = 1 the minimap doesnt follow my character around? I play on pc but mine croaked recently. Fixed some small bugs with custom pin placement/refresh/removal for all modes. However my motivation to do more for this add-on depends on my real life priorities. Pergola bioclimatica in alluminio con lamelle frangisole orientabili fino a 140°. Fixed ocasional error messages with group (and all other in some very rare cases) pin tooltips. 4. Minion provides premeir AddOn Management for games such as World of Warcraft and The Elder Scrolls Online. But in the minimap it's not showing. Removed obsolete texture refresh performance setting. Optimized pin re-anchoring. You Can Have Sephiroth In Skyrim Via Mod … The Elder Scrolls Online Map Legend. LoreBooks data are collected from: Esohead's interactive map; Loads of screenshots provided by Kodiak of Mostly Harmless; TESO Life's Lorebook Locations Map; Dulfy's ESO Lorebooks locations guide-----This addon uses the … Shawn Hopkins . Can zoom with a scroll button. Uploaded: 28 Feb 2014 . Elsweyr Grand Adventurer. Added new feature - group member index labels. This addon hides the default focused quest tracker and enables the multiple quest tracker. Version. You can register for them like this: CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("OnZrMiniMapChanged", function() d("MiniMap just changed...") end). Fixed some error messages for border pin tooltips. Slightly reduced overall FPS impact on UI, Added MiniMap setting to define MiniMap refresh rate, it will help to alleviate FPS issues if you set a higher delay, Added MiniMap setting to hide zone name label, Added MiniMap setting to hide zoom level label, Fixed Clamp to screen setting (it wasn't saving properly). There are still some objectives that will keep pins on MiniMap until quest finished. Yes, I know I said its not worth touching, but I couldn't resist it. 109 Mods. Reduced execution costs on most frequently used functions by ~70%. Quests. Tweked them so they don't. Pins will get the antiquity quality color. Optimized MiniMap map changing. Why cant eso have mods for the ps4. You can check out Best Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Mods list here. This mod simulates winter. Updated map sizes for Craglorn group delves. Fixed quest pin tooltips. Axis label backgrounds were resizing on their own. 148,771. MiniMap sometimes (in very rare cases) failed to load POI pins after entering new map. No payment is required to download or use the add-on. i accidentally clicked on hide map, and i can't find a way to show it back. Fixed group member in-combat state display, Fixed border pin tooltips for group members, Optimized Map tile placement and updates for all modes (this also addressed zoom issues), Changed LAM panel name for compatibility with old FCMQT, Added missing default values for position and zone labels (if you allready set the values it won't change anything for you). This change increases overall MiniMap performance. updated skyshard locations in Bangkorai solo dungeons, updated skyshard locations in Reaper's March and The Rift dungeons, added skyshard locations inside of Upper Craglorn delves, updated skyshard locations in Craglorn (not fully finished yet), updated LibMapPins-1.0 to r5 because of EMM minimap support, updated skyshard locations (Khenarthi's Roost, Deshaan, Shadowfen, a few caves in Cyrodiil), updated skyshard locations in Coldharbour delves because of map changes in Update 3, corrected skyshard location in Aba-Loria, Colharbour, updated location of skyshard in Glenumbra/Bad Man's Hallows (bug 902), refined locations of 2 skyshards in Reaper's March, new settings menu (upgrade from LibAddonMenu 1.0 to 2.0), fixed issue when some shards could be displayed as unknown even if they were already collected (Hopefully I have fixed code which didn't work in version 1.4), added registration of custom pins to the ZrMM, fixed issue where in some cases skyshard pins wasn't created, fixed location of skyshard in Hightide Hollows (Stonefalls #14), updated CustomCompassPins library to fix issue when compass could have displayed markers for different map, all pins are now created in the same function, so it should be faster, all pin functions (including map filters) moved to the LibMapPins-1.0 library, changed format of coordinates printed by /mypos command, updated API version (for game patch 1.1.2), Added "Realistic" icon set by Heidra (, added new Glowing icon set by Rushmik (, fixed issue with zone names that contains "-", tweaked function that refreshes compass pins, compass markers should be correctly refreshed after zone change, updated skyshard positions in high-level maps, a few tweaks to skyshard locations (Shadowfen/Alten Corimont, Alik'r Desert etc), in-game settings moved to "Garkin's Addons" (because planned lorebooks addon), updated french translation thanks to Ykses (, fixed issue with leaked variable to global, updated german translation from Bl4ckSh33p (, attempt to fix french achievement name bug on skyshards tooltip (reported by Fitzcairn), added french translation thanks to Ykses (, fixed language selection (, updated german translation (, improved compatabilty with german and french clients (getting location from GetMapTileTexture() instead of GetMapName() - it should work in all languages), fixed typo in function SkyS.AddCallback_unknown(), German translation by Bl4ckSh33p (, updated LibAddonMenu library (, added option to change icons (Settings -> SkyShards -> Select map pin icons) - credits to Mitsarugi (, Go to the "Elder Scrolls Online" folder in your Documents. When I'm in Cyrodiil and at a keep the location under my map doesn't say Alessia Keep for instance it just says Cyrodiil. Seeing a selected pin is more clear now. This is just a code convenience change without any visual traces. This should resolve UI stutters after changing zones and having many quest/border pins. You can register for this callback like this - CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("MovementSpeedChanged", function(speed) d(speed) end). Prepared MiniMap for localization to official ESO languages. Missing maps will be measured upon first entry as before. Install Price Tracker By _ForgeUser15621031. Reworked pin placement in rotation mode. Minimal delay for this callback defined in performance settings "Position Refresh Delay" in milliseconds. Optimized quest pin placement and updates. Group pins still need testing. Key Features Winter weather and lighting Snow/Sleet instead of rain Winter daylight hours Early morning fog. At first, The Elder Scrolls Online will take place in condensed areas across Tamriel, with the whole continent opening up … Altered load event, MiniMap should appear more reliably in wheel mode. Is there an issue with Minimap when inside Cyrodil? Added performance settings for pin update chunks and time intervals. Slightly optimized map table referencing. Added chat command /fyrmm debug. … Are you looking for the best ESO addons in 2020? Leave a Reply. Elder Scrolls Online Wiki will guide you with the best information on: Classes, Skills, Races, Builds, Dungeons, Sets, Skyshards and more! I spend more time pulling up my map trying to find my group mates in open world than I do playing the game. Fixed rare error messages after using a wayshrine. Interactive Map of Tamriel. The Elder Scrolls Online Map Legend. SkyShards. Changed Keep network refresh rate minimum and maximum values in performance settings to 900 - 8000 ms. Slightly optimized KeepNetwork refresh code. Its pretty much the same thing :). Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Team Talks What You Can Expect . This change signifficantly improves rotation mode. All rights reserved. Added br_strings.lua file (en_strings.lua copy) to lang folder. Removed experience boost pins from Locations (they were showing up as bank pins on Summerset map). If you want to help to add survey/treasure maps then: 1. Feature list of the latest version: True Wheel or Rectangle mode, Resizable to any rectangular shape, North facing or Rotating mode. Is there a way to get the location to be more specific. This should result in some performance improvement. There was an issue with some specific zones (Belkarth for example) where you had a signifficant performance drops after entering them. Jewelry Surveys use a text description instead of a map. Redesigned many pin update events. Fixed position/size change when MiniMap is locked (values in settings are now ignored if it's Locked), Fixed distance calculation for Coldharbour, Slightly optimized MiniMap load event (initial loads are more efficient), Added callback for add-on developpers to fire when map changed. Changed switching between wheel and square modes. This change may improve some performance on slower systems. No performance change. They are now tied to unique MapId. If you check the option "Dont use ZygorGuides altered API" even if you don't have ZygorGuides but have _0_MapAPI enabled - MiniMap will try to use original API. They are items that can be given as a reward from Crafting Writs, and are similar to Treasure Maps. Added Border display, you can enable or disable it via ZrMiniMap settings. FAre farm, Roebeck lumbermill, etc? Added option to display Location pins with crafting services on border. Added background for map to fill in the missing texture when zooming out or nearing the edge of the map, Slighly Moved border Pins so they are allways inside MiniMap limits, Rearranged MiniMap settings, so they are easier to find and set, Fixed several visual and UI interference issues, Added options for player position display position, background, color (you can choose fixed position over top or bootm of minimap or free anywhere placement). Improved MiniMap sensitivity for map changes. Fixed undiscovered wayshrine pin change when they are discovered, Fixed Locked MiniMap size issue when add-on loading. Added MiniMap German translation by Baertram. This change may improve your UI performance. Optimized pin updates to address performance issues. Added performance setting to disable Worldmap refresh when changing maps.