Di Genshin Impact, Xiangling sebenarnya bisa dibangun menjadi karakter DPS dan juga Support bila melihat skill yang dia punya.Jadi bisa dikatakan Xiangling adalah karakter yang cukup fleksibel … The only thing that players have to keep in mind beforehand is what role they want Xiangling to play in the team. 5.1 Physical DPS Build; 5.2 Support Build; Siapakah Xiangling? Increases CRIT Rate by 8/10/12/14/16% and increases Normal ATK SPD by 12%. Xiangling is unique in that both of her abilities continue to occur even if you switch characters. Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vacuum blade that deals 40/55/70/85/100% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. The 3-stage hit damage stat is buggy, but the premise is the more you slap with fidget spinners = the more damage they do. – It’s time to roll boys (gacha), If you’re a F2P player don’t sweat the details. OR. Nama Talent: Deskripsi: Pastry Kung Fu (Normal Attack) Normal Attack : Melancarkan maksimum 5 … Xiangling is best when used as a support character to bolster your team's stars. I’m not going to explain the basic gameplay, I’m going for what you gain by leveling and constellations, builds and synergies. Mejor Build para Xiangling Support. If you were lucky enough to get Favonius Lance, it’s a great alternative, Otherwise, Prototype Starglitter or White Tassel are great alternatives, How do I get it D: ? *Bennett can be the healer for Pyro Resonance. Keqing Quick TL;DR Electro DPS Build Guide, Epitome Invocation Wish Weapon Banner: Why You Should Roll It. XiangLing Support Build. Xiangling adalah karakter di Genshin Impact, merupakan koki terkenal dari Liyue.Dia sangat bersemangat memasak dan mahir membuat hidangan pedas dan pedas khasnya. Part of why Xiangling is generally favoured more towards support/enabling is because her Pyro Skills can be a touch inconsistent for a pure DPS option: Guoba is stationary, and Pyronado, while strong, has a weird radius and can knock enemies away. Xiangling is a 4 Star Pyro Polearm user. L’ensemble Crimson vous offre un gain de DPS massif en améliorant les capacités innées du Pyro de Xiangling. I’m not going to explain the basic gameplay, I’m going for what you gain by leveling and constellations, builds and synergies. Build. 1.19.2021 9:10 PM . 4-set Crimson is a waste for Xiangling, as she can’t really get stacks due to her relatively long E CD, At early stages of the game, The Exile set is also not a bad choice for supporting, as it will help you spam your Q better (since at early stages, energy recharge weapons are pretty void for polearms), Substats: CRIT% > CRIT DMG > ATK% (ATK if ATK% is main stat) > EM, Substats: CRIT% > CRIT DMG > ATK% > ATK/EM. *Didn’t put Bennett on the healer slot because Bennett is a better DPS for Melt comps than Xiangling. Der Speer erhöht den kritischen Trefferwert um 8/10/12/14/16% sowie die Angriffs-Geschwindigkeit um 12%. A = Ascension (A1 = lvl 20+, A4 = lvl 60+) EM: Elemental Mastery. Le bonus en deux parties de Crimson Witch of Flames augmente Pyro DMG de 15%. Xiangling excels as a support character in Genshin Impact, though she can be kitted out as a DPS if you so choose. This Genshin Impact build transforms Xiangling into a lethal Pyro support. Your email address will not be published. Estadísticas. Use 2-p Berserker if you need more Crit rate. In short, be careful with your positioning. You can use 2-p Bloodstained Chivalry with 2-p Berserker before you get a good 4-p Gladiator set. But for Pyro Sub Carry I will consider C6.You can read what she does here: Xiangling. There are better damage dealers in the game, but having perfect meta builds doesn’t really come into play until you start pushing the Spiral Abyss. Her Guoba … Skill dan Talent Xiangling. C1: Enemies hit by Gouba gets -15% Pyro RES. Xiang can carry you through the game easily. Support Build Xiangling Support Build. *Crit optimal ratio 1:2 (Rate x DMG). Additionally, Normal and Charged Attacks hits on enemies have a 50% chance to trigger a vacuum blade that deals 40/55/70/85/100% of ATK as DMG in a small AoE. Jika kalian ingin menggunakan xiangling sebagai support, mungkin kalian bisa mencoba build yang ada dibawah ini. Noblesse at Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Domain (AR 35 locked, 20 Resin per run), Alternatively, 4-set Noblesse is perfectly fine as well. Her normal attack is … 4-Piece: Overload and Melting damage +40%. If Xiangling is on the next banner, I'll probably get her to C6, and it might be worth adding a support build for her. You need superconduct because she is a Physical DMG dealer.(Electro+Cryo). You could also use a full Noblesse Oblige set if you find yourself using her Elemental Burst very often. Ainsi elle profite d’un montant de dégâts très élevé qui lui permet de créer des combinaisons élémentaires basées sur le Pyro. De hecho te recomendaría que la lleves junto a un DPS principal Pyro para sacarle el máximo provecho. Since Crescent Pike’s weapon skill procs additional, independent damage instances, plus the fact the weapon also provides Phys DMG%, it will overall provide a higher DMG bonus than the 35% normal attack DMG 4-set Gladiator’s provides, How do I get it D: ? However, her C2 skill will give this build an extra boost to its firepower. Best breakpoint is 75% crit rate and 150% crit DMG. *Free slot can be Electro or Pyro Resonance, Mona or Venerer/Petra users.Worst Melt comp: *For a better Melt comp you should use Diluc as main DPS and Bennett as Healer. At least you don’t need to heavily invest in any one other than Xiangling. Par. C2 is kinda useless, for more DPS you should pre charge atk in her 4th hit. Skyward Harp. Genshin Impact Xiangling Build. I could swap it back and forth if they are not being used at the same time, and that probably makes sense, but I am curious how Dragon's Bane stacks up, assuming you're pairing Xiangling … Bye. The Stringless is the preferred weapon. Added effects caused by … – Bloodstained at Clear Pool and Mountain Cavern Domain (AR 35 locked, 20 Resin per run). Her high EM works well with Electro for Overload. Gladiators at any World Boss (40 Resin per run), Why not 4-set Gladiator’s 2Board? Increases DMG against enemies affected by any element by 24/30/36/42/48%. +18% ATK(2p gladiator) < +25% Physical DMG(2p Chivalry) < +35% DMG(4p Gladiator). Weapon; The recommended weapon that can be used by Xiangling to make her a support fighter is Skyward Spine. You can run Halberd as well until you have the resources to build Crescent Pike! Updated January 4, 2021, A really helpful tip for her ultimate: the moment you activate it, run around a bit and slap everyone with it. Ce personnage brandissant Pyro et lance a été donné dans le cadre d’un événement précoce, et a été une attraction courante de la bannière standard depuis un … How do I get it D: ? Richard Youness-janvier 12, 2021. For comps and synergies C0 and C6 has no gameplay change for DPS build… If you got lucky with your artifacts Crit rate and DMG, go for 4-p Gladiator’s Finale. High energy cost, but 10 secs duration (14 secs with C4). Jeder Angriff hat außerdem eine 50% Chance, eine Vakuumklinge auszulösen, die Gegnern im Umkreis Schaden in Höhe von 40/55/70/85/100% … C6: All party members get +15% Pyro DMG for 14 secs. But Kayea adds a nice DMG when you invest in him. Hope this helped. Le but de Xiangling dans Genshin Impact avec son build Support est d’assister au mieux le DPS principal en écrasant ses adversaires. Pyro support build. She’s also currently the only spear user so get this girl a spear bro . by Kaiuiu. Updated January 3, 2021. Zhongli is using the Favonius Lance, and it's kind of a must on him. Weapon. +10 ATK% with the pepper, -15% Pyro RES for the enemies, +15% Pyro DMG for your team and you don’t need to be on the field, that’s why she is so good for Pyro comps as a Sub Carry. This effect can … Increases Normal Attack SPD by 10/12/14/16/18%. This one will … This build empowers Fischl's Electro DMG on her skills. Support akan berikan elemental attack, tujuannya adalah memberikan elemental reaction dengan elemen yang Xiangling atau karakter lain miliki. Here are the two Genshin Impact Xiangling Builds: Pyro Support build. *You can’t have the same main stat and sub stat or the same sub stats twice in one artifact. – Forge (Prototype x1, Crystal Chunk x50, White Iron Chunk x50), A GREAT alternative can be White Tassel, since it has scaling CRIT% and it has a consistent 48% damage buff to your normal attacks. Updated January 4, 2021. Because of this you can build her either as your primary or secondary DPS. Support. Karena Xiangling miliki elemen pyro, maka ia akan membutuhkan recast ability ultimatenya yang tinggi dengan efek elemental yang tinggi pula. *Anemo and Geo healers open a free slot (but Jean is a bad Venerer user, Noelle is a bad Petra user). Xiangling as an efficient support character in Genshin Impact. Esta es la build que más te recomiendo, porque creo que es como rinde mejor. Lisa will never be good at this comp, use her until you get Fischl or Beidou. A = Ascension (A1 = lvl 20+, A4 = lvl 60+). Still Crescent Pike is recommended since you’ll be parsing + the weapon skill is practically made for Phys DPS. For comps and synergies C0 and C6 has no gameplay change for DPS build. if you get Diluc) in the future she can comfortably fall back into a support role. Nuestra prioridad en cuanto a estadísticas será el ataque% y ataque, el crítico % y daño crítico, maestría elemental y recarga de energía. This build empowers Xiangling's Pyro DMG and uptime of her skills. Xiangling - Best Build & Weapon Recommended Artifact Set Bonus. Turn up the heat. Best breakpoint is 75% crit rate and 150% crit DMG.4-p Noblesse Oblige should be better than Crimson Witch.Crimson Witch = +22,5% DMG on Xiang.Noblesse = +20% burst DMG on Xiang and +20% ATK for everyone.But, as she triggers the reactions most of the time, 4p Crimson Witch is better. Melt and Vaporize are very strong reactions that can heal high amounts of damage. We are committed to providing you with the best community and information hub for this wonderful game. BUILD GUIDE FOR XIANG LING, THE BEST PYRO SUPPORT - GENSHIN IMPACTHALO GUYS ! Xiangling Build Suggestions in Genshin Impact. Crimson Witch of Flames: 2-Piece: Pyro DMG +15%. It’s not really recommended, as you should be normal attacking still, but it’s a neat way to quickly get pyro damage across! Both Xiangling’s abilities scale with ATK. She needs a Mono Pyro Elemental DMG comp(Diluc, Klee and Bennett). Xiangling is a better pair for other characters that want to create reactions rather than to achieve a resonance bonus. I will not rank the 3 because I’m too lazy to do maths.But probably: Kunwu > Primordial Jade > Skyward. Disini kami akan memberikan tips mengenai Build Support Xiangling Genshin Impact. There are two four-star weapons we recommend for Xiangling. At Xiangling's 4th Ascension Gouba will even leave behind a chili pepper that'll increase your Attack by 10%.